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Professional Consulting Services
Due to the number of people emailing me and ringing for consultation and information for film and other logistical advice for Papua New Guinea, I have decided to charge the following Consultation fees:

1. Phone call advice up to one hour long: €50 (70 minutes is counted as 2 hours etc).
2. Written advice and consultation: €250  (Follow up phone calls - see above).
3. Crew briefings before you leave for Papua New Guinea: €250 per day + transportation, meals and lodging. Here the crew should brain storm with me so that they can understand the location better.
4. Creative advice towards film content and the viability of scenarios is separate from advice to crews and costs €250 per day. One hour is one day. 9 hours is 2 days.
5. Advice and help with visa requirements - €1000/week and will charge all other costs involved to the production company.

I can give advice regarding technical and social considerations in film or other activity involving multiple and complex social negotiations and interactions. I can help you to succeed, and will provide consultation after you can prove that you have paid 65% of fees in advance and only upon signed contracts by both sides.

If you want me to join your crew as a technician or location fixer, normal professional salaries apply.
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